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Tribute is a form of testimony written and read in honour of departed beloved ones. Most often than not the tribute is more artificial in our part of the world. The bereaved family often accepts a tribute from a printer without considering its content with regard to life of the deceased. This invariably happens when the family have few elites; yet they might be a well to do family. Such a situation becomes indictment not on the living family but the departed souls as well. The other setback concerning tribute has to do with the language in which it is expressed. It sounds quite ridiculous and frivolous respectively on the part of the sympathisers and the bereaved to have such a testimony in a language other than that commonly employed in the locality. Such a practice is even an accusation as it evidently expresses how unfit our God-given language is. It must also be acknowledged that tribute more of art than a mere passage to be read to the audience.